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4 Remote Recruiting Tips To Keep Your Hiring Going

As we face the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear that a switch to remote recruitment is necessary if you continue hiring. 


While making the transition will take time, remote recruiting has already been a reality for many companies that others can learn from.


And of course, we’re here to help. Here are some essential remote recruiting tips to help you hire A-list talent from anywhere in the world.


1. Write specific and engaging job ads

Writing specific, engaging job advertisements is always a good rule of thumb when hiring, but it’s especially important when you’re recruiting candidates remotely. To do this effectively, make sure to outline responsibilities and expectations thoroughly. 


2. Have a clear hiring process

Building out a structured hiring process is a sure-fire way to stay organized and keep things running smoothly, even when recruiting from afar. It helps drive consistency across interviews, reduces the risk of biases and offers candidates a better experience.


3. Utilize video interviewing

Thanks to video interviewing technology, remote recruiting is more comfortable (and more doable) than ever before. Many of the world’s leading companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are conducting virtual job interviews in response to COVID-19.


4. Consider using a work assignment

You can also consider using a work assignment as an audition to see what candidates’ skills are like in practice without having them on site.